How Life Missions is indeed Giving Life, Hope, to the Lost and Unreached
By every mile the gospel is spread across the earth, we discover new fields and wonder who will indeed reach the over 32 Million Refugees in Africa, talk more of the ends of the earth. This is where organizations and ministries like Life Missions come in with mission and vision statements that align with the course to reach the unsaved at all cost.
Life Missions is a gospel Evangelism ministry that believes in Prayer and Evangelism as tools to walking out the great commission by engaging the Beloved in Christ with an inspired strategy for "loving all at all cost" in preparation for our time's Great Awakening. Through the grace and power of the Holy Spirit, Life Missions desire to contribute in this awakening to righteousness and an abundance of the grace of God into the nations.
- We recruit missionaries
- Train missionaries
- Send missionaries
HISTORY of Life Missions
The Founders, Michael and Angela Christisking, were both born again, Holy Spirit-filled, and called to missions. They received their Bible College training in Nigeria and got married before moving to the USA in 1987. They have been missionaries in the USA and several other nations.
Michael and Angela ChristisKing are missionary evangelists who are currently credentialed and ordained Ministers of the Gospel. A great deal of their efforts has been focused on prayer mobilization and evangelism. They have held thousands of evangelistic services and hosted many short-term missionaries in numerous nations.
They founded the Exalting Jesus Project to become a training and sending organization for missions. Exalting Jesus Inc is incorporated in the state of New York and registered in the state of Texas, doing business as Exalting Jesus Project. It is also registered in Nigeria as Exalting Jesus Life Missions.
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Transform lives and make a real difference by becoming a volunteer with Life Missions. Join our mission to provide hope, healing, and transformation to those in need.
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Join us in our mission to provide hope, healing, and transformation to those in need by making a donation to Life Missions today. Your support can make a real difference.
Join In Prayer
Join us in prayer for those in need around the world. Together, we can provide hope, healing, and transformation through our faith and support of Life Missions.
3,000 Volunteers, 2,000 Sponsors, 5 Countries
K+ Intercessors
Our mission is simply described as LIFE where the letters mean the following:
- L helps us LOVE all people and seek practical ways to make their lives better.
- I leads us in INTERCESSION for all people before God
- F for fellowship and Follow up and discipleship for all people
- E for engage and evangelize all people with good news of Jesus Christ
Our vision is to mobilize the church into Prayer, Holiness and Harvest
To provide a Christ-Centered and Eternity focused Platform for qualified workers to help sufficiently meet the great and growing need for missions in our world.
1.The hand of the Lord is always on us and that His presence is with us in this work.
2. We know that The Wisdom of God is in us for the work. The spirit of understanding, knowledge and the counsel from God rests on us as individuals and as a people.
3. Christ has made us a prophetic people. We are part of God’s end time prophetic army.
4. The Holy Spirit has given us the Faith of God and faith in God to do this work.
5. God has given us the Great Grace to be faithful in every way. We will be true to Him to the end.
6. God has sent us and is sending us as gifted and faithful workers, leaders, donors, partners and affiliates, for the work
7. We will build this work according to God’s perfect will.
8. We are a people of the WORD. We are 100% committed to faith and obedience to the Bible, the word of God.
9. We are a people of radical worship and joy of Jesus
10. We are a people filled and walking in God’s love.
11. We are a people filled and led of the Holy Spirit
13. We are a people of compassion for the poor, the weak, the sick, the needy and the lost.
14. We are a people of unlimited resources for the work and a people of more than enough for our personal lives
15. We are a people of sound health, sound mind and sound relationships.
16. We are a people sound in doctrine
17. We are a people of great favor before God and men.
18. We are a people always Covered with the blood of Jesus, and with the mercies and faithfulness of God
19. We are a people experiencing and manifesting the glory of God through signs, wonders, miracles and all the gifts of the Holy Spirit
22. We have Ears that hear God clearly and a heart that obeys Him fully, and quickly
23. We have the spirit of great excellence in all we do. And we always excel.
24. The heathens are our inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth are our possession. There will be exalting Jesus 24/7 Prayer, worship, training and mission center in every CITY, TOWN AND COMMUNITY on earth.
25. The Lord Jesus has given us the power to be a great blessing, an encouragement and a great resource to the body of Christ, world wide.
26. Our God, the Lord of Host will always deliver us from every evil. Our God delivers us from wicked and unreasonable people and circumstances. He Unites us with those He has prepared to work with us.
27. We will always be agents of Revival wherever we go. Jesus makes us Agents to turn the hearts of men toward God. He Makes us Agents that cause men, women and children to seek the living God through His son Jesus Christ until they find peace with Him, obtain life from Him, and fulfill their purpose in Him.
28. We are willing to suffer and die, if necessary, living, serving and defending the cause of Christ our commander in Chief.
29. We are a people that must make heaven (no matter what) and receive our reward at the call of the Master in the mighty name of Jesus.
30. We Glorify the Father by mobilizing the church to holiness and harvest by the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name.
This is Exalting Jesus Project
This is who we are
This is what we do
This is why we are called
This is our daily prayer, our faith testimony and our Prophetic declarations
– Michael ChristisKing
Exalting Jesus Life Missions, we are a missions organization. And this is what we believe:
1. The Bible, the word of God from Genesis to Revelation is absolutely, irrefutably true and without any error. It is wholly given to man from God as a manual for life and a standard by which all truth is measured.
2. There is only one God. By Him and for Him all things are created. He manifests Himself in three persons Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
3. God in the person of Jesus Christ came down to earth, born, lived, died, rose again and ascended to heaven, being fully man and fully God yet without sin.
4. By His death and Resurrection Jesus Christ provided Redemption, Eternal life and Salvation (justification, sanctification, glorification, healing and many wonderful blessings of sonship) for all that will believe and surrender lives to Him.
5 The person and baptism of the Holy Spirit (and all that He brings) is provided and required for all that believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior for victorious living and effective ministry.
6 Jesus Christ the son of God is coming back again to this earth. There will be a taking away of His people to be with Him and a consignment of those who rejected Him in the lake of fire. There will be two eternal and permanent destinations for every human being, one group in the presence of God and the other in the Lake of fire.
In the light of above 6 core beliefs below are our core duties.
7 Love. Love is our life. Loving God and all people passionately, sacrificially and practically. Without love our profession is nothing. We will passionately pursue, preach and live out the Love of God, through Christ who strengthens us.
8 Faith. ABSOLUTE and TOTAL trust in God and His Word, the Bible is our weapon and life tool. By faith we access God’s promises by which we inherit His life and all His wonderful provisions. Without faith we cannot please God. We will patiently and perseveringly pursue, preach and live by faith through Christ who strengthens us.
9 Holiness. Holiness is our lifestyle. We will obey God, nothing less will do. We reject, turn away and ABSTAIN from EVERY sin, appearance and real. God is holy and without holiness we cannot see Him. We will uncompromisingly and relentlessly pursue, preach and walk in holiness every day, through Christ who strengthens us.
10 Winning and discipling souls among the nations for Christ, establishing them in the grace of God; is our full-time job. This is our life mission. We will desperately and daringly risk everything but Christ to LEAD MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN TO KNOW, RECEIVE AND FOLLOW CHRIST AS THEIR LORD AND SAVIOR ALL THEIR DAYS, through Christ who strengthens us.
11 Prayer and Intercession
Prayer is the engine room that activates, empowers and sustains every other part of our core values. Without ongoing, non-stop prayer and fasting we only have mere letters, vain dreams and wishful thinkings. To stop praying is to start dying. Our goals and visions are born, refined and executed through prayer and fasting. It is in Prayer and through prayer that God works in and through us to change us, preserve us and transform the world around us through us. Prayer is inevitable in the establishment of anything with eternal value. Therefore we as a ministry and individuals will give ourselves to non-stop praying.
12 We must preach the word of God fervently. We must preach it clearly. We must preach it humbly. We must preach it compassionately. We must preach it prophetically. We must preach it faithfully. We must preach to the poor and to the rich. We must preach to set the captives free.
We must preach to warn and preach to comfort. We must preach to challenge. We must preach to encourage. We must preach to rebuke. We must preach to edify.
We must preach the word to bring healing. We must preach it to bring repentance. We must preach it to build faith. We must preach it until faith comes into hearts for the manifestation of God’s promises in every area of life.
We must preach it to train.
We must preach Christ. We must boldly preach His life, preach His words, preach His works, preach His suffering, preach His death, preach His blood, preach His resurrection, preach His power to save completely those that come to Him by faith. We must preach His ascension. We must preach His second coming.
We must preach in season and preach out of season. We must preach when in pain and preach when all seems well. We must preach the word when it is received and preach it when it is rejected.
We must regularly bath ourselves in fasting, prayer, fully cloth in the power and oil of the Holy Spirit, and preach with great authority.
We must preach to Exalt the name of Jesus and denounce the works of darkness.
Our words will be a lifeline for those lost and drowning in darkness. Our preaching will save many and also save us.
We must not be silent or tone it down. We can not be muted by any powers or principalities, visible or invisible. We will never recant the truth or apologize for it. We will preach it again and again and again, even if it means the loss of everything, including our lives.
We must preach the word of God in love.
We must Preach about eternity. We must Preach about heaven. We must Preach about hell.
We must preach hard and clear to the saints and to the sinners.
We must preach it, calling the saints to unceasingly watch and pray. Charging them to stay in the narrow way, to fix their eyes on Christ, their faith in God and be always filled with the Holy Ghost, giving themselves to good works and to winning the lost at all cost.
We must preach the word, warning the lost to run for their lives. Calling them to escape from the everlasting furnace of the lake of fire, to embrace Christ today as Lord and savior, and enter into a new life while there is still time.
We must never underestimate the wonderful power contained in the declaration of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the mighty living Son of God.
As we preach and teach the whole counsel of God and we must never ever forget to especially preach and teach men, women and children how to love God and love each other.
The owner of the heavens and the earth, the king of all kings has commanded us to preach Christ in all nations. By His grace we will obey Him no matter what the cost maybe.
Our Core Values
- Knowing the Father
- Knowing Jesus
- Knowing the Holy Spirit
- Committed to the WORD of GOD
- Walking in HOLINESS
Walking In
Walking By
Prayer &
of Nations
Contact us: Call or WhatsApp +2348125471727 or +2349034574384
Life Missions | Powered by Exalting Jesus (inc) Project
Life Missions > Uganda 2023
In June 2023, we will be taking 70 young Christian graduates who are on fire for God, to northern Uganda for a 100 days to love, give humanitarian help, evangelize and disciple the Sudanese refugees. This team will be fed and taken care of for those days. Their transportation fares and tickets to Uganda and within Uganda will all be paid for by Life Missions.
In this trip, we want these young people to catch the fire for souls in the process of helping the refugees.
For more, you can watch this powerful interview video. Prophetess Elizabeth Garcia interviews Rev. Michael and Rev Angela Christisking concerning their journey with God over 27 years and the assignment the Lord has given them for mobilizing Africa. Watch HERE
The Refugees system and the problem of mass population displacement is a problem here to stay until Christ comes.
In fact the signs that Jesus told us will signal His soon coming are the very things that cause the displacements of the peoples of The world.
By present calculations the displaced people population jumped from 89 million (PRE-USA exit from Afghanistan, pre-russia Ukraine invasion, pre-Turkish mega earthquake), to 115 million people as we stand today.
Experts Project that at this rate we will have over 200 million displaced people in 10 years or much less.
When certain population are displaced there is an immediate rush to send help by governmental and non-governmental organizations but soon they are almost forgotten even though their situations has not changed
Such is the fate of the 32 million displaced people of Africa. Almost forgotten. Living in camps in very remote hard reach places. There is rarely any consistent focused strategic outreach.
Because of security, high transport cost and other issues some of these camps have become a complete no-go areas for outside individuals and organizations.
Thank God for the highly rationed meals from the United Nations they at least have physical sustenance.
I dare to argue that there are no people or communities on planet earth that are more open to the gospel than displaced people. This open heart and hunger for God should never be taken for granted because it will not last for ever. Here are a few reasons why
- Many of them have lost everything and their world is shaken, lives broken, emotionally hopeless and they need real answers to their Ten Thousand questions.
- Reason 2 They need Love. Real, genuine, no strings-attached, persistent and stubborn love. The kind of love that only Jesus can truly give through those that have encountered Him.
- Reason 3 They are not distracted by the many things that distract us in the real world. This makes Discipleship easier in the displaced people camps.
- Reason 4 Over 50% of most of the displaced population are under 18 years of age. These are the tender age when hearts are still very much softer, reachable and Teachable.
- 5 Up to 94% of older adults are women. Women are more open to the gospel, especially when there are no men to hinder or distract them.
- 6 Many displaced people from other religions end up in Christian countries where there are no anti-christian laws to hinder the preaching of the gospel as they have in their native countries.
- 7 The great fear of persecution that once hindered potential converts in their native lands from turning to Christ does exist in most camps. New believers are bold and free with their faith.
- 8 We will have the great privilege of training many refugees in many areas of vital survival, life, income making, industrial and community bettering skills.
- 9 We will comfort, encourage and make life-long friends with and learn from the Refugees. We will see them regain their dignity and become effective surporters of their families and contributors to the society.
Our goal is to make sure
That every REFUGEE and IDP
1. Gets a Bible in a language they can read, understand and cherish.
2. Comes to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ the son of God and is Baptized in the Holy Spirit.
3. Gets an a chance to be discipled and established in the grace of God.
4. Is trained as a leader to continue the work among the Refugees. And hopefully be equipped enough to be a leader & a missionary in other refugee camps.
5. Gets some food and other basic needs met, as the Lord enables us.
6. Gets an opportunity to be trained in some skill for future self supporting income earning work.
7. We also want to establish a 24/7 prayer and mission base among the Refugees.
8. We want to challenge, train and prepare the missionaries we are taking to see, and play their role in reaching the lost billions among the nations for Christ.
When our eyes were opened to the need and opportunities among the displaced peoples of the world. We made up minds under the Lord’s leadership to turn what satan designed for evil for their lives into the best experiences of their lives.
1.We Started doing research to know more about these communities and the people that populate them.
2.We then started sending out teams for short term explorative visits.
3. By May 2022 we had gathered enough information to begin planned out reaches. We started in Uganda. Our June 2022 visit had a team of 12 missionaries, we visited 13 refugees camps (ranging from 10,000 to 50,000 refugees per camp) in Northern Uganda, Adjumani district.
We distributed over 5000 Bibles as in New testaments, Book of John and Romans, and full Bibles combined.
We personally and in meetings evangelized about 30,000 people.
Over 1200 people gave their lives to Jesus.
All this within a period of 14 days. Because of budget constraints we have kept our much needed outreaches and planned Discipleship work very short.
By December 2022 we followed up with Christmas with the Refugees outreach. This December outreach was incredible and focused mostly on women.
4.For effective Discipleship purposes we have recruited and are training 12 highly qualified, Spirit-Filled indigenous leaders.
We are training these leaders to strictly focus on Discipleship making, Discipleship multiplication and discipleship establishment among the Refugees.
Our desire and goal is to see the church among the Refugees
Self governing
Self propagating
Self sustaining
Spiritually, economically and otherwise
In 5 years or much less, using the 1.5 million refugees in Uganda as a test case.
1.Every refugee in Uganda will have his or her copy of the Bible
2. Much of the Refugees population have personally experienced the life transforming grace of the new birth in Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit.
3. Many of the believers in Christ among the Refugees have been fully Discipled and grounded in their faith.
We are confident enough that we will accomplish these goals
1.We are mobilizing short term missionaries. This will help us with Bible distribution, evangelism and aid distribution. So we are challenging every Born Again, Spirit-Filled, University/Bible College graduate to GIVE ONE YEAR of their lives to full time missions and consider doing it for a life time. This will help us mobilize millions of workers into the harvest field of the Lord.
2. We have recruiting and are training full-time indigenous Spirit-Filled leaders who will disciple and train leaders in among the Refugees in every camp who will train and disciple other refugees and on and on, until the whole camp is fully discipled.
3. We are working in partnership with like minded local Born-Again church network of Uganda we seek reach and disciple the Refugees in their communities.
4. We are trusting God for the faithfulness of our Bible translators, printers and supply partners.
5. We are trusting God for His supernatural provision necessary to make to make this possible.
To accomplish the above we need a pool of laborers, supporting churches and partnering organizations.
If you’d like to join us physically
If you can’t come, you can donate to send those who will be in the field.
Copyright © 2023 Life Missions | Powered by Exalting Jesus (inc) Project
+2348125471727, +2349034574384 and +1 (347) 6732131
* USA: 4775 Granby Circle, Colorado Springs, CO 80919; - NIGERIA: No 4 Emma Lou Maxey Avenue, Ipaja, Lagos
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