Apostle Michael Orokpo, who is the senior pastor of Jesus Encounters Ministries International is celebrating his birthday today, 1st of March 2024.
According to a post shared on his social media handles, Apostle Orokpo is expressing his gratitude to God.
Birthdays are unique and special seasons. They give us the opportunity for Thanksgiving, reflection on previous years and re strategizing for greater years ahead as we pursue meaningful existence.
Join me in appreciating God for his goodness and mercies over my life and of course my appreciation to my wife, family, co-labourers, friends and partners for your prayers, love, care and support.
Let us join hands and do greater things for God. It shall be another year full of blessings and greater impact.
Happy birthday Apostle Michael Orokpo
Thank you for yielding to God's call and blessing lives
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