April 13: Today in Christian History

April 13: Today in Christian History

April 13, 385

During Easter Week, Bishop Ambrose of Milan risks imprisonment and death, defying orders of the Roman empress to surrender one of his churches for use by Arians. With the church surrounded by imperial troops, he continues to hold mass five times a day. Eventually the government capitulates.

April 13, 799

Death of Paulus Diaconis. This monk had been called to Charlemagne’s court where he compiled a book of homilies from the church fathers which received wide circulation throughout the empire. He also prepared an accurate history of the Lombards and numerous other historical and religious works.

April 13, 1598

France’s King Henry IV promulgates the edict of Nantes, granting his Protestant Huguenot subjects a large measure of religious freedom.

April 13, 1663

Death in Constantinople of Meletius Syrigos, one of the most learned Orthodox preachers and theologians of his day, but combative.

April 13, 1824

Death in England of Christian poet Jane Taylor, just forty years old. One of her best known hymns has the words “Ye tempting sweets, forbear, Ye dearest idols, fall, My heart ye can not share, For Jesus must have all.” She also wrote the nursery rhyme “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.”

April 13, 1871

At 10 p.m. emissaries of the Paris Commune enter the city’s deaconess house, revolvers in hand, demanding that deaconesses state if any of them have been abused by the sisters in charge. None of the girls speaks badly of the sisters although held captive until 3 a.m.

April 13, 1881

Ordination in Cincinnati of J. Wilbur Chapman, who will become a leading Presbyterian evangelist, working in tandem with music vocalist Charles Alexander.

April 13, 2013

On this day, Popular Gospel Music Minister, Pastor Nathaniel Bassey married his beautiful wife, Pastor Sarah Bassey. They met in 2008 and got married on April 13th, 2013. Together, they are blessed with children. Read Pastor Nathaniel Basset’s full biography here.

April 13, 2014

Death of Mahay Choramo of the Wolaitta Kale Heywat Church of Ethiopia. He had evangelized widely in the Omo region and suffered many imprisonments and beatings for preaching the gospel—sometimes at the hands of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. He had even gone naked when one culture demanded it but gradually taught the people to wear clothes.

April 13, (Unknown)

Pastor Mrs Anwinli Ojeikere, wife to Pastor Muyiwa Ohis Ojeikere (The Winlos), was born on this day

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