Biography of Pastor Robert Henderson

Full Biography of Pastor Robert Henderson - The New Man Movement

Robert Henderson has been at the forefront of the apostolic reformation and is recognized for his passion to bring apostolic alignment to the church and the business world. Founder and leader of multiple apostolic networks, including Global Apostolic Network as well as co-leadership of the United States Alliance for Reformation and Freedom Apostolic Alliance with Dutch Sheets, his passion is to empower people (pastors, leaders, and the body of Christ as a whole) to reach their potential and to fulfill the purpose for which God created them. Robert is also a member of Eagles Vision Apostolic Team and Zion Apostolic Council, both under the leadership of Dr. C. Peter Wagner. 

Robert travels throughout the nation ministering and equipping churches and networks to understand function in the areas of awakening and reformation, signs and wonders, first fruits and breakthrough. During his 28 years of ministry, Robert has birthed and raised to maturity an apostolic center, founded a Bible School, planted churches and authored several books including The Caused Blessing: Connecting to Apostolic Power Through Strategic Giving and Consecrated Business: Apostolically Aligning the Marketplace; The Secret of the Lord; Apostolic Dominion through Signs and Wonders and his newest release: A Voice of Reformation: An Apostolic and Prophetic View of Each of the Seven Mountains in a Reformed State.

Robert Henderson Ministries is about empowering people for their Kingdom Function. Their call is to “Disciple Nations” into their destiny and purpose. One of the main areas they target in this endeavor is shifting the church from a “pastoral model” to an “apostolic model”. The church must become the government God intended instead of just a place of meeting needs. As this happens, nations will shift from their present state into a kingdom culture.

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