The Pastor's Wife

It seems God doesn't answer some prayers.

No! Not because He can't answer them, but because He simply doesn't want to - or maybe because I ask amiss, I guess.

"Die! Die!!! Perish! Die! Be destroyed! Leave me alone!! Begone!!! Die by fire. Be destroyed in the name of Jesus. I conquer you by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of my testimony. I conquer you. Be destroyed in the name of Jesus!....

Every power that wants me to become a pastor's wife, die by fire. Every power that wants me to end up in ministry at the end of the day, be destroyed in Jesus' name. God knows the thoughts He has towards me - thoughts of good and not of evil, to give a future and a hope.

Every principality guarding the spirit of pastor's wife hovering around me, catch fire in Jesus' name. Be subdued in the name above every other name. 

I am not a pastor's wife. I decree and declare that I am not a pastor's wife. I am not in ministry. I will not be mummy G.O for that is not the plan of God for me. I am not a pastor's wife.

Every spirit of confusion and distraction that want to confuse and distract me, catch fire!!!!!. Kabaasosiragainonsoshjojw. Ah! Catch fire. I am not confused.

Kabaasosiragainonsoshjojw. Haya, haya, kabaasosiragainonsoshjojw."


You see that "nonsense" prayer up there? That was the prayer I made nine years ago when I was twenty years old. It was the prayer I made when hands were pointing at me as someone that would be called into the ministry as an ordained minister.

It seems God doesn't like to answer some prayers.

The question is why do you think some ladies do not want to be a pastor's wife?

What is your reservation or perception of pastor's wife?

Is the office of a pastor's wife a calling?



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