The Faithfulness of the Lord

Joshua 21:43-45, Joshua 1:1-9

The faithfulness of God is absolutely dependent on an existing promise. However, His faithfulness will not waiver even if the other party fails in keeping his or her part.

There is always a condition to the fulfillment of God’s promises (Joshua 1:7). However, there is no condition to His faithfulness.
Where have you fallen short of God’s commandments as regards your assignment? Where have you fallen out of your consecration? Remember that God has remained faithful despite your unfaithfulness and it will be a really terrible thing (in results and consequences) if your unfaithfulness will be judged by a faithful God. Ask God for mercy so that His promises will come to fulfiment in your time.
Cry to God for mercy. Ask him to show you your report card. He’s marking your script and if he mercifully shows you’re your progress track, you’d know what to work on and yield its results to meet up in His faithfulness.


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