God's Battle Axe Jeremiah 51:19-23, Exodus 15:3, Revelations 12:12 God will not require battle axes or weapons of war if there is no war. There is no battle without weapons and there are no weapons without a battle (Psalm 18:34, 2nd Corinthians 10:4, Ephesians 2:2, 2nd Corinthians 4:3-4) The battle is the Lord's but we are called to be vessels through which He can dismantle the works of darkness and establish God's kingdom. The question now is - Are you available to be used as God's battle axe? You cannot fight the devil with your head knowledge. Here are three things to note in order to win the battle * Know the enemy you're in battle with * Have the right weapons/resources * Have the right strategy The weapons of warfare and the strategy of warfare must be engaged. Darkness does not prevail by the strength of its attack but by the consistency of its attack. (Ezekiel 16:49, 2nd Samuel 1:17-23, John 6:31-33) The three errors of every ranking man are: * Pride * Fullness of Bread * Idleness You must understand that not all axes are battle axes.
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