Understanding True Family Intercession

Family Intercession and Miracle Service Matthew 18:3, 19-22, Hebrews 10:25, 2nd Corinthians 2:10-11, Ephesians 6:1, Matthew 5:24, James 5:16 1. Family issues are caused by disagreement/quarrels. There's nothing that should be absolutely unforgiven. No matter how legitimate your anger against your brother is, God has more legitimate reasons to disown you. If God begins to count sins, who will stand? 2. Prayer is a weapon and praying together as a family is the best thing that would happen to you. 3. Walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the demands of the flesh. Keys/Essential Ingredients to successful intercessions for your family 1. Love and Forgiveness (an unforgiving heart will never pray an efficient prayer) 2. Wisdom and discernment 3. Heartfelt Prayers I will not be great in life and low at home. The influence of Jesus will spread through every part of my life. To pray effectively, set your heart to it and be fervent about it

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