My Finding Salaam Experience and Witnessing to a Muslim

Finding Salaam is an evangelical ministry expression of Celebration Church International which is dedicated to training Christians to effectively reach out to a muslim. One major reason why I recommend the Finding Salaam course is because it helps Christians to effectively relateto muslims because of the better understanding you have. It also helps provide effective strategies on how to deliver the gospel to muslims.
The Introductory class usually begins with the subject of the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19
The introduction goes further to define a Muslim as someone who practices Islam and at the same time defines Islam as a religion which teaches that there is only one God - Alah, and the Prophet Mohammed who is believed to be his last messenger.

Read: The Blessings of Obedience

Another belief of Islam is that they consider the Quaranas the unadulterated
They believe in a judgment where the righteous are rewarded in paradise and the unrighteous are punished in hell.

Surah 1:58, Surah 4:157, Surah 19:33, Surah 4:157-158

Ephesians 1:3-5, 2nd Corinthians 5:19-20

Christianity is the only religion that takes your ability to go to heaven and puts it in you through grace,

There are 5 pillars of Islam

What do Muslims believ avout Jesus

1. They believe He is one of God's greatest messengers to mankind (Surah/Chapter and Aya/Verse) - Surah 3:45-47, 

Prophet Mohammed hung around with Jews and Christians at some point in his life.

Quaran 3:59, Quaran 3:49

2. They believe Jesus was not crucified. Instead, they believe it was Jesus' enemy (Quaran 4:157)

Differences between the Christian and Islamic Beliefs

1. Jesus is  not a mere prophet. He is the son of God. - Luke 1:35, John 1:1, John 1:14, 1st Timothy 3:16, Isaiah 9:6,. Jesus is God in the flesh.

2. Jesus didn't just come to deliver the word from God. He came to die for the sins of the world. (John 1:29, Galatians 1:3-4, 1st Corinthians 15:3-4)

3. Believeing in what Christ did and not in your work.

Why do we need to preach the gospel to muslims

1. Love - John 3:16

2. We have been commanded to (Matthew 28:19)

3. They are in darkness and we have a duty to show them the light - 2nd Corinthians 4:4-6

The Historical Background of Islam

The Call 610AD - Mohammed's birth

Christ was before Mohammed. At age 40, Mohammed started retreating to Mountains and got revelations from an Angel Gabriel (Surah 96:1-5)

Kadijah was Mohammed's wife

The Flight (Hidra)  was in 620AD - Mohammed's spread of Islam in Mecca and because of opposition, he moved to Medina with his 80 followers.

His followers grew to 10,000 soldiers and then he went back to dominate Mecca.

Mohammed died at age 63

- Sharia Law


Islamic Teachings and Books

1. The Quran

2. Suhu

3. Torah (Book of Moses)

4. Zabuh (Psalm of David)

5. Ngil (Gospel of Jesus)

Surah 6:115 - God's revelation cannot be corrupted.

Suni and Shites

6 Articles of Faith 

1. Their belief that there is only one true God who has no son and should be worshipped alone

2. There are angels who are important and created from light to serve Allah

3. Man has 2 Angels - ont to record good deeds and another to record bad deeds.

4. They believe in the books of the Quaran and the superiority of the Quran

5. The believe in propjhets (from Adamu to Musa to Nuhu to Isa)

6. They believe  in judgment at the last days

7. They believe in predestination

5 Pillars of Faith

1. Shahadah - Creed (la ila ila lah - there's no deity but Allah ad Mohammed is his messenger)

2. Sallat - Prayer and Ablution

3. Zakat - Charity (alms)

4. Fasting (Ramadan)

5. Pilgrimage (Hajj)

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