Biography of Apostle Dr. Arome Israel Osayi

Apostle Arome Israel Osayi is the Founder and President of the Remnant Christian Network, a Christian Organization with a global network of Apostolic centres and missions. He is also the Chairman of the RCN Adullam Bible and Theology College

Apostle Arome was born on the 2nd of December, 1977 as the fifth child in a Christian family of seven where his father was the late Chief Paul Ameh Osayi and his mother, Mrs. Mary Memuna Osayi. Apostle Arome Osayi gave his life to Christ at the age of seven in ECWA 1 Makurdi Barracks Road, during a Sunday school class.

Biography of Apostle Arome Osayi

Apostle Arome's early Christian life was shaped by the writings of Watchman Nee and the ministry of Benny Hinn. With a discipline in chemistry, he was sure about his call at the age of twelve when he had series of encounters with God and he began to work towards it from that time. According to him, his transition to a preacher is referenced to an encounter he had where he was taken to heaven and he stood on a mountain, watching people going to hell. At that point, he was sent to do something about the situation of the people. This happened when he was 13 years old and those moments began to shape Apostle Arome Osayi's life until he couldn’t find rest in any other thing outside ministry. Aided by the ministry of Benny Hinn and writings from Watchman Nee as well as sitting under the tutelage of Reverend Pita Momoh Edward's of Sanctuary of Mercy, Apostle Arome Osayi started his sojourn into the apostolic mandate through the Birth of Remnant Christian Network.

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Remnant Christian Network (RCN) is one of the fastest growing Apostolic networks in Nigeria with the ministry's massive camp situated in Makurdi, Nigeria. It is a 3,000 capacity auditorium in the first phase which hosts a hospital, TV Station and hostel facilities for people to come pray and seek the face of God. The Remnant Christian Network, Markurdi is located opposite State Library, Wurukum Makurdi Benue State, Nigeria.

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As a man under authority, Apostle Arome Osayi's spiritual father is Reverend Dr. John Akpami, whom he highly reveres. Also, as a spiritual war lord, Apsotle Arome Osayi's spiritual sons are doing the work of the father with so much accuracy as they have learnt from his steps. Apostle Arome''s spiritual sons include Apostle Michael Orokpo, Apostle Edu Udechukwu, Reverend Tolu Agboola, Apostle Joel Ogebe and a host of others.

Arome Osayi (The Set Man of Remnant Christian Network) was born the fifth child in a family of seven, to late Chief Paul Ameh Osayi - a career civil servant and Mrs. Mamuna Osayi - a career nurse in the capital city of Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria. His parents were devout Christians and were fully invested in raising him and his siblings in the ways of the Lord. His parents’ commitment to God would yield hundred percent result as he and all his six siblings would personally get to know the Lord at a young age.

Arome got saved at the age of seven. His battle for destiny began in his mother’s womb as he was born with facial palsy - which massively impaired his speech and left half of his face paralysed. Though vocally disadvantaged from birth, his getting to meet the Lord early enough on account of his parents’ commitment to the Lord set him on a great collision course with destiny.

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His tongue would be loosened in a momentous encounter he had with Jesus at the age of thirteen. It was at this encounter that he received the call to be God’s mouthpiece to the nations. His teenage years right into his mid twenties were replete with pushing, stretching, daring and adventuring into the full gamut of this call. His progress was slow but steady; his strides in the pursuit of God were rhythmic and his following of Jesus Christ has been a concatenation of obedience, consistency and service born out of deep-seated hunger and love for God.

In October 2002, shortly after completing his tertiary education with a B.Sc. in Chemistry from Benue State University, Makurdi, and being on the cusp of successfully rounding off the mandatory one-year national service in Kano State, Nigeria, his dealings with God culminated in an apostolic mandate with the thrust to reinforce, intensify and scale up the apostolic recovery in the body of Christ across the nations. And in December 2006, he founded the Remnant Christian Network.

In recent years, Remnant Christian Network has witnessed such a transcontinental upsurge as it rapidly morphs into a place where the gospel of the kingdom of Christ is preached with great grace in revelation, inspiration, illumination, signs, miracles, and prophetic breakthroughs as God confirms His word in the mouth of His servant and as men come into their ordinations in God. Its borderless, tentacular penetration across the nations conspicuously places it in the vanguard of the current apostolic recovery taking place on the planet from the Sub-Saharan African front. The Network is run with a divine policy direction from Isaiah 37:31.

Arome Osayi has a summarized mission statement: To strive towards the rebirth of Apostolic Christianity. He believes that in the years to come, people from all nations of the world will come to the RCN Embassy which is the ministry’s international headquarters domiciled in Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria to experience the true God as well as get in tune with accurate apostolic patterns that they can replicate in their different nations.

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Arome’s apostolic mandate is two-pronged: stretching from within the body of Christ to the marketplace. In keeping with the schematics of this mandate, in 2004, he got a job in the then newly- created PPPRA (Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency) an organisation charged with the responsibility of regulating the prices of petroleum products sold and consumed in Nigeria as a pioneer staff and would go on to meritoriously serve there for sixteen years. So, for nearly two decades he has been an apostle to the body of Christ and in the marketplace.

In December 2024, Apostle Arome Osayi was awarded an honorary doctorate degree in Missiology, Social Engagement and Advocacy by the ECWA Thological Seminary, Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria.

Arome Osayi is an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, author, mentor, entrepreneur and philanthropist. In his commitment towards the rebirth of Apostolic Christianity, Apostle Arome Osayi is happily married to his heartthrob, Reverend Mrs. Dinna Ololade Osayi, and they have three children. They got married on October 18th, 2008.

Books by Apostle Arome Osayi

As an established author, Apostle Arome has published the following books:

  • Decimating Demonic Devices (Kingdom Advance Series Book 1)
  • Birthing His Excellence
  • A Treatise on Christian Ministry (Making the Most of God’s Command, Methods and Resources in Life and Ministry)
  • Godward: Finding the True North
  • Go into All the World 
  • Choice: Man’s Most Important Power
  • An Epistle to the Apostles in the Marketplace 
  • Kingdom Recalibration


Apostle Arome Osayi's Sermons

To Download Spirit filled Messages from Apostle Arome Osayi, we recommend that you visit Apostle Arome Osayi's Official Website or the Remnant Christian Network (RCN) ministry's official sermon website here.

Apostle Arome Osayi is active on social media. You can connect with him via his official handles on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and X. You can also follow ministry updates from the RCN’s official YouTube Channel here.


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  1. Where is he from

  2. Thank you Lady testimony for the info, you really did a good research and its quite up to date.

  3. More grace daddy

  4. I want to come to Apostle Arome church I want to build up my spiritual life there but I don't kw anyone there no where to stay

  5. God bless and anoint you afresh, mama. this is enlightening and resourceful

  6. What is his educational background?


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