Many believers think that they can do just what they want because the house of God is literally "your father's house". While it is true that the church is your father's (God's) house and you are a child of God, it is still necessary to give due respect and honour to God. One evidence of Christ in the life of a believer is the fruits that we bear. In today’s article, have a list of ungodly habits to avoid in the house of God.
1. Going Late to Church
For many people, it is really possible to avoid going to church late. whenever your lateness is unavoidable, you can get a good excuse but if your lateness to every service or meeting is a constant one, then it proves that your love for God and the things of the kingdom has grown cold. Lateness is also a sign of indiscipline and you must wake up from the slumber of lateness before it is too late.
2. Refusing Instructions from Ushers
When you are directed to an appropriate place to sit and yoou refuse to, it may come off as a sign of pride, unnecessary show-off and utmost disrespect for order in the house of God. An usher is a trained professional in the art of maintaining order in God's house and you must obey their instructions if you are truly a child of God who hates disorder.
3. Picking Calls During Services
The act of always running out to pick calls with your phone ringing out so loud is an inappropriate habit. Most times, you already know that you are going to church. Except it is a very important call, it is a really bad habit to pick calls in church. You should switch off or mute your phone as soon you get to church to avoid any form of distraction. If you also receive calls repeatedly during every church services, it shows where your heart, your values and priorities are. Stop it.
4. Chewing Gum and Snacks During Services
The church is not a cinema hall nor a brothel. You should show reverence to your God and maker
5. Sleeping in church during sermon.
Even if you have the anointing of Jonah, You can also read our article on 5 Tips to help you stay awake during vigils to help you
6. Sitting During Prayer or Praise Sessions
When you sit down during prayer or praise sessions without any medical or health reasons, it makes you look very odd and unspiritual. Prayer and Praise sessions are corporate sessions in church that require total participation from members. So, except you have a medical condition that makes you unable to stand (for long), you should not be sitting during prayer or praise sessions
7. Looking at the church clock or Wrist watch
Anytime you look at the church watch or your wrist watch during church hours, you are insinuating that church should close. While some do it stylishly, some other Christians are quite funny that they could turn their heads to the location of the clock in an attempt to bring the passage of time to their pastor's notice. As long as you are not the church secretary, administration officer or time keeper, you do not have any business with the church clock. In Psalm 122:1, David the Psalmist said he was glad when they invited him to go to the house of the Lord and that is how it should be for true believers. It is not a wise thing to hurry or rush out of God's presence.
8. Chatting and Playing Mobile Games
It is disregard for God's presence and dis-honour to your pastors/leaders if you chat or play mobile games during church service. It does not only show you as undisciplined, but also as not spiritual.
9. Leaving the church before closure
If you usually leave church services and meetings for no particular appointment, making others who choose to stay till the end of service feel they don't know what to do with their time. Stop it.
10. Gathering outside the church
In some services, church members gather in groups with other members to gossip or discuss football, politics, market prices, economy and many other time irrelevant things while the service is going on. In our article on how to handle gossips as a believer, we discussed the need to abstain from gossip areas and you can simply do that so you do not engage in
In conclusion, it is necessary to note that God loves order in His house. In Matthew 21:13, we read about the buying and selling in the house of God and until Jesus turned the tables over and made his stance known, the people were still going to buy and sell. In the church today, much more activities like buying and selling in the heart of men goes on and these things birth bad habits like the aforementioned. As believers, we must lead by example henceforth with good character and attitudes so that we can successfully promote the gospel of the kingdom of God to the ends of the earth.
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