New Man Weekly Bible Quiz 6


New Man Weekly Bible Quiz 6

Welcome to the sixth week's edition of our New Man Online Bible Quiz. These week's questions is a collection of edited questions which were left unanswered by participants from the previous edition. As a general rule, kindly read all instructions here and answer the questions in the comment section below. You can also see past editions of the New Man Online Weekly Bible Quiz here


Prizes will be given to the first participant who successfully answers the highest number of questions. To submit your answers, simply type them out in the comment section below. Kindly read all other instructions here

Quiz Questions

  1. Who was Mordecai to Esther?
  2. From our article titled 5 Lessons from the Life of Mordecai, tag four lessons you can learn from the life of Mordecai.
  3. Whom did Esther invite for dinner?
  4. Which feast celebrates the triumph of Jews over Haman and other enemies?
  5. Mention three differences between Queen Esther and the deposed Queen Vashti
  6. Who was Queen Esther's Father?
  7. What measurement was the gallows set at Haman's house for Mordecai?



Please note that this page shall be closed for answers by 3:00pm on Sunday, 30th January, 2022. All the best!




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