6 Types of People You Meet During Evangelism

Jesus commanded us in Mark 16:15 to go into the world and preach the Gospel of Christ to all people. This act is simply called evangelism. To evangelise, there are different ways to go about the Father's business and for each one, it is required that you walk up to meet someone. Sometimes, you may be led to specific people by the Holy Spiritwhile at other times, you just reach out to them at random. In whichever case, there are different kinds of people and ou have to be sensitive when trying to preach the gospel of Christ to them. 

6 Types of People You Meet During Evangelism

In today's Christian Metro Series, we will share a list of six kinds of people you are likely to meet during evangelism, especially if you are a Christian in Nigeria.

1.The Gatekeepers

These set of people are those that literally stop you at the door without asking you to come in. While they do not always have a stone face, they are sometimes stern in their actions and they may. Let's just say Jesus is good.

2. The Time Keepers

These guys are always in a hurry to do something or another so whenever you reach them to evangelise, you'd hear things like "how many minutes of my time do you want?" The funny part is if you request for 10 minutes (which is the highest they usually spare), they set up a timer in their head and once it lapses, they leave you and your Jesus to be on your own.

2. Those that engage you in a discussion

Sometimes these people actually have valid questions about the faith. Sometimes they just want to frustrate you. After you meet some of them sef, 2 by 2 plank will not be enough for them. Also, sometimes they may not really hear what you want to say, they may just feel you look good and want to meet after evangelism - shey you get

4. Those with divided attention

These guys are very rude o. Person dey talk, you dey use am press phone even gist sef. Your destiny helper no go use you press phone oll

3. The Reverse Preachers

These people are the ones who eventually preach to the preacher. You don enter am today o, no be small. If they even find problem with the message you come to preach, just know you won't spend nothing less than 1 hour at their place. But they'll give you refreshment sha

6. The Curious, Welcoming and Cheerful

These people may not necessarily stress you too much, but sometimes, they can ask so many questions about your faith. If you go on evangelism without a true and working knowledge of the God you serve, you may have some issues when dealing with these people. However, you must be open to admit if you don't know a thing. Be warm to them and watch the Holy Ghost do the work. Be very sensitive too.

7. The Joyful Brethren

These people are usually fellow believers in Christ and they are very happy to see you preaching the gospel. As comrades, these people are excited that you are keeping to the great work of the Father so they usually don't want you to waste time at their place. If they are very nice and elderly, you may find yourself eating a plate of food with cold mineral to push it down. Then they will even pray for you and your evangelism team (if you go in groups).

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