World Prayer Stretch Day 4: Prayers for Andorra


In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we welcome you to  Day 4 of our Prayer stretch for countries across the world. If you are joining this prayer stretch, please kindly follow the instructions on our announcement page here. If you want to read through the Bible in the course of this prayer stretch, kindly download our Bible Reading Guide here.

Prayers for Andorra

Today, we are praying for Andorra. Kindly find the prayers below:


Lord we thank you for Andorra🇦🇩. Thank you for your light in this land.

Let the wicked plans of the enemy of this nation turn against them. We declare confusion in the camp of the enemy until they come to the knowledge of God. Our leaders are tried and tested to conform to the leading of Christ. We come against corruption in the land right from the roots up. We connect this nation to a heavenly frequency and as a result, there is great revival in the land.

Every spirit of national slavery is put in bondage. We have God as our advantage in this nation. By the spirit of the Lord, we are empowered to recover every good thing we have lost. We take on the enemy with great speed and we are victorious in battle. Our barns are full and our storage houses increase. We decree that there is plenty in the land in the name of Jesus

Every plan of the devil to birth sibling rivalry and family feud is put to shame. Families are shielded from evil and they increase in love by the day. We speak against family bloodshed and killings by brothers over intangible matters. The devil shall not have his way because we conquer in prayers in Jesus' name.

We pray for peace in this land in Jesus' name. Amen

If you are reading this, thank you for joining today's prayer stretch and we hope you come around tomorrow. To receive Whatsapp prompts from the 195 Day Prayer Stretch team, kindly click here to join the WhatsApp group.

Also we believe that the Gospel can only reach the ends of the earth if you share. Please, do well to share these prayers with your friends and families. God bless you!




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