World Prayer Stretch Day 46: Prayers for Democratic Republic of the Congo

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we welcome you to Day 46 of our Prayer stretch for countries across the world. If you are joining this prayer stretch, please kindly follow the instructions on our announcement page here. If you want to read through the Bible in the course of this prayer stretch, kindly download our Bible Reading Guide here.

Today, we are praying for Democratic Republic of the Congo. Kindly find the prayers below:


World Prayer Stretch Day 46: Prayers for Democratic Republic of the Congo


Lord we thank you for Democratic Republic of the Congo. Thank you for your light in this land.

Let the sword of the enemy stretched towards this nation fight back at them. Let there be confusion in the camp of the enemies of this nation. We pray that every plan of the enemy to frustrate our national peace and progress shall be put to shame in the name of Jesus.

Lord, we pray that we shall prosper in wealth and health as a nation. We pray against the wide spread of every strange illness or disease that may cost us our lives, peace and freedom. We shall not have any reason to engage in national mourning as a result of mass deaths in the name of Jesus.

We pray for restoration over our nation. By your grace, help us to buy time that we have lost in making wrong decisions and policies for our nation. For every individual or institution assigned to sponsor deadly policies and laws in our land, we frustrate your efforts by the power in the name of Jesus.

We pray for peace in this land in Jesus' name. Amen

If you are reading this, thank you for joining today's prayer stretch and we hope you come around tomorrow. To receive Whatsapp prompts from the 195 Day Prayer Stretch team, kindly click here to join the WhatsApp group.

Also we believe that the Gospel can only reach the ends of the earth if you share. Please, do well to share these prayers with your friends and families. God bless you!




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