How to Stay Calm in the midst of Storms


How to Stay Calm in the midst of Storms

According to the Oxford dictionary, a storm is a very bad weather with strong winds and rain,often associated with rain and lightening.

But how about when your not facing the rain storm but rather the storm of life,this can be hardship,trauma,problems,troubles,bad news,hardship etc. For instance your sitting prettily on your couch taking coffee and enjoying the serene moment,then news gets to you that your daughter was involved 8m a ghastly motor accident - how will you react.

Pain attacks set in, confusion and anxiety beclouds your emotions, your kind keeps on going on and off like a light bulb,you start to ask God why he wasn't there for you,it is always a hetic moment and if your not being calmed,you might lose it and fall into depression that moment.

But do you know that there is a comforter,who is always there to calm our troubled mind and heal our soul,with the help of the scripture,our lord Jesus Christ,the holy spirit and your loved ones are there to help calm you down,though it might not be easy....The bible has some verses that we can quickly read through and meditate upon it as it calms our troubled mind.

Let's look at ways we can stay calm in the midst of storms

1.Take a deep breath

Yes! A deep breath can help you keep your heart from racing too much, shutting your eyes and counting from 1-100 might also be a good idea,At the first sign of stress,start with taking a deep breath. This can also be a sought of meditation technique,as the in and out movement helps calm the mind.

Imagine the outwards breathe as letting go of all toxicity and bad feelings and imagine the breathing in as taking in new fresh energy and unending streams of good news,Taking a deep breathe will lower your blood pressure and heart rate,your level of stress will reduce,there will be reduction in muscle tension and there will be increase in your feeling of being safe,well-being and calmness.

2. Pray!

Talking to our heavenly father is a good way to stay calm in times of troubles,when the news of my sister's death came,it was a shocker which I couldn't absorb,that moment I feel on my knees and cried to God in pains,I said Dear heavenly father take control,I need you right now,and he really came through for me during that traumatic time,he was my comfort,I reached out to him through prayers, because that was the only way to communicate to him,that moment I felt his presence around me and my mind relaxed.

Anytime your feeling stressed, confused and in pains and your confused on what to do,call upon Jehovah,He said "call upon me in times of troubles and I will answer"Tell him that as he is the controller of all the happenings in the world,he should therefore heal and amend your broken spirit,Because in psalms 51 it says "A broken and contrite heart,you don't not despise". For  God is a source of strength and comfort, through prayers we enter into an intimate relationship with him and our feeling of security increase,prayer gives us comfort emotionally,never forget prayer is the healing balm to soothe your pained heart and your broken spirit.

3. Study the Scriptures

Even in your hardest moment,do you know that the scripture has verses that reassures your troubled mind of God's unfailing love and comfort,No matter how rough tge storms of life have driven you,let the bible be your navigator ,As God handles your ship,There are so many uplifting verses,which can go into your mind and calm it,Isaiah 41:10 days "Do not fear for I am with you; Do not be dismayed for I am your God, I will strengthen and help you,with my righteous right hand,I will uphold you,In 1st Peter 10 vs 1 he also said "cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you" ,With all these loving words why won't your soul be one glad once more.

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4. Stay Positive

Positivity is a great virtue that should be expressed no matter the situation, Neutralize all negative thought,Learn how to manager stress and respond positively to each challenge that faces you,Rebuke the devil,who comes to whisper negative thoughts to your mind,Make sure you affirm positively all the time,Never let your heart accept negativity but rather show faith in God by being positive,change the words you use to approach certain event,Don't call it problem,rather use the word situation,which is a lot better and lighter,Always speak positively, remember they though the dortow may Last for a night but Joy Comes in the morning.

5. Meditate

Study the scriptures and deeply ruminate on the words of God. By constant mediation on God’s word, the words soak into your mind, engulfing the entirety of your being with those words, meditation is also a good technique to stay fit and reduce stress, Mediate meditate meditate on the words of the scripture and you will be happy you did.


Storms of life can come in any form but just brace your self,if it needs you to cry,do it and pray, Mediating on God's word is so helpful and it will keep your subconscious mind aglow of the good things to come, Always take deep breaths,stay calm,pray and read your bible,don't forget to take enough water too,Here are some scriptures to help lighten your mood :- 

John 14 vs 27

Job 37 vs 5-7

Phillipians 8 vs 8-9

Isaiah 26 vs 3

Matthew 8 vs 24-27

Isaiah 43 vs 2

May The peace of the lord reign in our midst, amen!!!

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