The Good Part You See

Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.” Then Jesus said to him, “Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’ ” - Matthew 4:8-10 NKJV  

The Good Part You See

One question we should ask is, "How is it possible to stand on a mountain to see all the kingdoms of the world and its glory?” If you're also wondering, then your answer is as good as mine. It is not even possible to stand on Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and see a part of Lagos, Nigeria, let alone the whole city. But the Bible records that in a matter of seconds, the devil attempted to show Jesus the whole kingdom.

In the same manner, the devil tries to show you the things happening in other people's lives. Many times, he shows you just the part that he wants you to see, but there is more to it. He shows the part that is good and so satisfying, and this gets you worried or causes you to think that you're the only one battling a challenge.

However, that is not true. The sides that the devil tries to make you see are only a part of the story. The story isn't complete without the other part that you can't see. The smooth and satisfactory things you see often have a different part that's not too obvious.

No one has it all, but this digital age makes it look like we do. When you see people with big smiles, gorgeous dresses, and exotic cars, you sometimes wonder if there is something you're not doing right. That's what the devil has in mind when he shows you these things. He wants you to feel like you're doing your best, or that your best is not enough and may not yield promising results in the end. Well, that is not the truth; it's just a blatant lie crafted together to weaken your spirit.

A few years ago, I followed the story of a young lady on social media who started an agricultural sector coupled with other investments as well. Within the space of two years, she became a global woman. Her markets and other acquisitions became so popular as well. As many people became aware of her achievements, they started to wish things would work well for them just as it was working for her. Many people indirectly questioned their existence because, the  height of her success could honestly cause someone to do that.

Suddenly, there was a twist to the story. It was disclosed by people who invested in her enterprise that some of her success stories weren't true. Many people were scammed, and people's trust was also betrayed. It was then that some people started to un-wish what they had wished for themselves whenever they came across her story. People who felt that they were not doing well were able to give themselves a pat on the back for all that they have done so far.

When you're in the waiting room, the devil will make you see the large number of people who are married. In fact, he makes it look like you’re the only single person. For those trusting God for the fruit of the womb, he tries to make them see people who are put to bed annually, and that also applies to every aspect of human life. But there is one thing he will show less of, which is "the other part." These can be their struggles, challenges, difficulties, and so on.

Another point of view from the scriptures above is when Jesus rebukes the devil at the end. He was able to overcome the temptation thrown to him by the tempter—the devil. This is where many people fall victim. In one moment, they trade their eternal inheritance on a silver platter just for imaginable glory. That did not happen with Jesus, and because he was able to overcome the temptation, he not only got the kingdom, he became the ruler of the whole universe. Is that wonderful?

Lastly, Jesus was led into the wilderness after the spirit of God descended upon him like a dove (see Matthew 3:16). What does that mean? The presence of the Holy Spirit does not necessarily mean the absence of temptations. However, with His presence, you can resist the devil with the words of God, just like Jesus did.

So when next the devil tries to show you the part that you need to see, smile at him and say, "I can see the other parts well." Shalom!

You can read more articles from this author here.


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