Understanding the Virtue of Meekness

The Bible in Matthew 5:5 says "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth". This is by far, one scripture that

(1 Peter 3:3-4, Isaiah 66:2)

Numbers 12:3

Psalm 37:11 says, "The meek shall inherit the land." 

Meekness or Humility is a two way thing
First it is towards God
Secondly, it is towards men

Towards God, meekness is a show of absolute humility and recognition of His Lordship

Towards men, it is a decision to show strength through disciplined calmness. This is why you don't being meek is not a characteristic of the poor as you may think. Many poor people are outrightly proud.

A great example of someone who lived this virtue was Moses, who was the meekest man to ever live. For instance, Moses never complained to God about the grief Miriam and Aaron caused him. He simply choose to bear the burden. (Numbers 12:3) Moses' meek disposition was also evident in Exodus when he was literally wearing himself out trying to help everyone solve their problems. In spite of this, he never complained or even gave thought to how it could affect him personally.

Numbers 12:3 states that Moses was the meekest man on earth. He is the only person that the Old Testament describes this way. We tend to think of meekness as mousy and quiet, lacking in opinions and backbone. Since Moses is described as meek, though, Scripture must have a different understanding.

Although Moses was a meek man, we had heard stories of his temper: killing an Egyptian, throwing down the tablets, striking the rock in anger. He didn't sound very meek, and the horns didn't help.

biblical meekness is a self-control of strength that makes us lambs in our own causes and lions for the cause of Christ. As it did in Moses, meekness compels us to act when God and His Word are dishonored and also to be humble before Him, putting the interests of God's people above our own (Deut. 9:25ff). So, meekness keeps us in communion with God and other believers.
When our wills grow more and more alongside God's will, we decrease and He increases (John 3:30). His priorities become ours, and we can submit to hard providences in a way that passes understanding. 

Deuteronomy 9:25-29 (emphasis on verse 27)

Moses is the Old Testament's meek man. But in the Gospels, we see Christ living out meekness flawlessly, emptying Himself as He carried out His Father's will. Meekness turned the tables in the temple, had compassion on the crowds, called the Pharisees a brood of vipers, and prayed, "Not my will, but yours, be done." It is meekness that characterizes the Lion of the tribe of Judah who is the Lamb that was slain. It is meekness that carried out the Trinity's plan for our salvation. Increasing meekness in us is merely a reflection of our Immanuel.

Meekness is a fruit, or result, of having the Spirit (see Galatians 5:22–23). At the same time, meekness also brings the Spirit into our lives (see Moroni 8:26). We should strive to have the Spirit with us in all we do.

*11th September, 2023* 

 _Quarterly Theme:_ Ambassador for Christ
 _Monthly Theme:_ His Abiding Presence

 _Worship Leader:_ Bro Louis
 _Prayer Leader:_ Sister Odunayo Elizabeth Ayomide
 _Ministering:_ Bro Vincent Nelson (State Drama Director)

 _Bible Text:_ Gal 5:23, 1 Pet 3:3-4, Isa 66:2, Num 12:3

 *_Topic:_* *Understanding The Virtue of meekness*

Meekness is basically termed humility, lowliness...
You'll forget who you are, how much you have etc. God is a lion and the lamb is most likely called a "mumu". 

God has everything and He is in ownership of everything, yet he still has meek heart, how much more man?.

Your meekness should be unto God first and then unto man, you cannot catch anything big in God if you cannot be humble.
When you come to God come with a humble and lowly heart. There are poor people who are proud, but God is calling everyone to a life of meekness and humility.
Toward God, meekness is show of humility to Him, to His Word and recognition
Toward man, meekness is a decision to show strength through discipline in calmness. God is working strength in most humble men.

PS 37:11 two tangible example of meek men
(1) Moses
(2) Jesus

Despite all the things Moses did, God called Him the meekest man on Earth because He consider us as human

God is calling us to a life of meekness and lowliness, don't lift yourself up stay humble. The devil introduce pride through subtle things.

PRAYER FOCUS: Help us to learn in meekness, Ask God for strength, ask him to teach you to be meek

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