Should Christians Participate in Halloween?

There are chances that you’re reading this as a believer in Nigeria, and wondering why our Christian blog is writing an article on Halloween. Well, if this is you, the answer to your question is simple - we have a handful of wonderful visitors from the United States of America (USA), the United Kingdom and many other foreign countries. In these nations, the culture of Halloween isn’t strange to them over there.

Moving on, I generally believe that the question of whether or not Christians should participate in Halloween is a matter of personal belief and interpretation. Different Christian denominations and individuals may have varying views on the subject. At the same time, if you’re seeking my personal opinion (not minding that I’m Nigerian) based on my conviction from scriptures, then you should continue reading this article.
Should Christians Participate in Halloween?

Here are some perspectives to consider:

1. Cultural and Secular Celebration

Many people view Halloween as a secular and cultural celebration rather than a religious one. They see it as an opportunity for children and families to have fun, dress up in costumes, and go trick-or-treating. For those who approach Halloween in this way, there may be no moral or religious objections to participation.

2. Concerns about the Occult

Some Christians may have concerns about the association of Halloween with the occult, witchcraft, and other elements that they consider incompatible with their faith. For these individuals, participating in Halloween may be seen as endorsing or promoting activities that go against their religious beliefs.

Alternative Celebrations

Some Christian communities choose to offer alternative celebrations on or around Halloween, such as "Harvest Festivals" or "Trunk-or-Treat" events at churches. These alternatives provide a safe and family-friendly environment while avoiding the traditional Halloween activities that some find objectionable.

Personal Conviction

Ultimately, whether a Christian should participate in Halloween is a matter of personal conviction and the beliefs of their particular denomination. Some may feel comfortable participating in Halloween, while others may choose to abstain.

Moving On

This is definitely an important topic I believe needs to be addressed in the body of Christ. Addressing it will get you cancelled really quickly; but we fear God around here, not man, so here is my take…

I'll be honest - this has always been pretty black and white for me. Before I knew Christ, I grew up celebrating halloween and going trick or treat. When I was very young, my parents even hosted big Halloween parties. 
Ever since I repented and became born again at the age of 13, this was a "no brainer" for me. I immediately knew in my sensitive, spiritually newborn spirit, without even being a mature Christian, that Halloween was the devil's day and a celebration of darkness and death. I knew in my conscience that "He who called us out of darkness into His wonderful light" would never want me to partner with darkness and death. (1 Peter 2:9) 
As a high school student, my friends and classmates at school would get dressed up and go trick-or-treating and partying, and I would stay home and hand out gospel tracts to any children who came to our door.
We are to love what He loves and hate what He hates. The Bible is clear that witchcraft is an abomination to God, and I grieve to see witchcraft CELEBRATED during Halloween. You see this through Ghosts (demons), Skeletons, Witches, Haunted (possessed) houses, Vampires and Witches among others, flying on broomsticks and cooking up potions in their cauldrons 

What are Christians thinking partnering with these things? 

God is so clear in scripture:
"Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before the Lord your God." Deuteronomy 18
However, a 2018 Newsweek article titled, "Number Of Witches Rises Dramatically Across U.S. As Millennials Reject Christianity" reports:

"With 1.5 million potential practicing witches across the U.S., witchcraft has more followers than the 1.4 million mainline members of the Presbyterian church." 
This is a tragic statistic, and just goes to show us how people are searching for something to fulfill them spiritually. Unfortunately, they are turning to the dark side in alarming numbers.

That said, how Christians should respond to Halloween?
Here are a few tips

1. Don’t Participate 

We do NOT participate with Halloween. Don’t do trunk or treat at church (my church doesn't offer that anyway) or dress the children up on that day. If anything, that day should be a day for prayer, fasting, worship and evangelism.

3. Criticise Constructively

Asheville, NC, is known for being heavily influenced by darkness and witchcraft. It is considered to be the satanist/pagan mecca of the east coast! 

3. Preach the Gospel

I am going straight into that spiritual war zone to preach the gospel! 

4. Have Clarity-Heart Conversations

If you’re privileged to meet with anyone who believes in, and participates in Halloween, please engage them in. There are so many factors (spiritual factors especially) that influence the things people do

5. Pray for those Participating

Your prayer for them should be that the Lordnwillmtouch their hearts and yield them to Himself.
For more information about the dangers of Halloween, you can watch this powerful podcast interview I did with Jenny Weaver, a former witch who now serves Jesus. 


It's important for individuals and families to consider their own beliefs and values, as well as the guidance of their religious leaders or community, in making decisions about whether to participate in Halloween. There is no one-size-fits-all answer, and it's important to respect the diversity of views within the Christian community on this topic.

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