Sexual Sin Doesn't Begin with Temptation - Enioluwa Odunjo

Enioluwa Odunjo is the founder and Chief Executive officer of Flust. His mission is to rid people from the slavery to addiction. His victory in overcoming pornography is a rather peculiar one. He was addicted for over a year. The Holy spirit told him specifically that he’ll never be caught. That is, no one will ever stumble on this secret, no one will have a word of knowledge about this sin. Not his friends, not his pastors, nobody. And if he stays in it, he’ll be bound forever. He had no choice but to trust God to teach me how to experience victory in this area. And God did, as He always does. Flust is an offshoot of the things he learnt. From Tools, to mind renewal, to accountability, to rejoicing in Christ. Enioluwa provides all tools that anyone going through this phase needs to experience. In this interview with the New Man, Enioluwa tells us his experience with sexual sins.

Enioluwa Odunjo, Founder FlustApp

New Man: Can we meet you sir?
Guest: My name is Enioluwa Odunjo. I’m a God chaser, a worship minister and a serial entrepreneur.
I’m a graduate of Management Information Systems from Covenant University Nigeria.
My career path has been the journey of tech entrepreneurship, where I’ve been privileged to establish several companies and projects powered by and delivered through technology. I’ve built some as a solopreneur and others in partnership with my co-founders. One of such companies is Kennel Pride, which is a leading Online Store for Pets and Pet services in Nigeria since 2017. A recent project I’m building is Flust; a community that leverages technology to equip people to overcome sexual addictions, live in purity and mentor others to do the same. When I’m not working, I love to teach design, mentor young people and spend quality time with friends and family.

New Man: How has the Christian journey been for you so far?
Guest: My Christian journey has been incredible so far. I think it’s an honour to be a Christian. Each day, I find myself discovering more about Jesus, and knowing Him not just as the God my parents serve, but my own God. The more I know Him, the more I find the fulfilment in my life as a Christian. My life is full of light, and even on seemingly bad days, I can rest knowing that God’s working it out for my good and His glory. Knowing this, I never let worry overcome me, because, in Him, I have all my needs met. Isn’t that amazing?!

New Man: Yes! It is. What do you think about Social Entrepreneurship as a Christian?
Guest: Several verses of the Bible show us how passionate God is about Social Entrepreneurship. I believe everyone who has a relationship with God should also have a heart that beats in this direction. The Bible describes God as the Father to the orphans and Husband to the Widows. We read in the Bible, that true religion is to care for the weak and oppressed. Even Jesus told us the Father’s disposition and final judgement to those who saw their neighbours hungry, thirsty and naked and did nothing about it. Anyone who claims to love God must be equally concerned about how they can contribute to the welfare of humanity through social entrepreneurship. So I believe as Christians, we are to bring God glory as we offer solutions to challenges in societies.

Flust App - An Application to Help You Break Addictions

New Man: Tell us about the Flust App. What inspired the application?
Guest: There’s a quote that says, “You are only as sick as your secrets. Anything that stays in the dark thrives.” Having walked the journey myself, I know that freedom from an addiction to pornography or masturbation is less likely to happen except you have someone to hold you accountable. This is the whole mission of Flust App – Accountability.
Flust app is a free software that takes pictures of your screen at random times and then shares those pictures with the person you have set as an accountability partner. That partner could be your spouse, mentor, pastor, or a trusted friend. On my journey to freedom, I discovered to my surprise, that there was a shortage of apps available that could keep a person accountable at this level. The few that could function at this level were not free to use, and that baffled me. I have a mindset that if pornographic sites are freely accessible, then how much more do we need free solutions! Of course, the accountability app feature is only one part of the vision, we also have a community that offers mentoring, edifying content, and we’re also creating online courses, all of which, by the power of the Holy Spirit, will help to rewire the hearts of His children and free them from sexual addictions

New Man: How does the Flust App work?
Guest: As I’ve mentioned earlier, Flust app is the perfect accountability application for anyone willing to break an addiction to pornography through accountability. It takes screenshots of your device at random, and it shares them with whoever you have assigned to be your accountability partner.

New Man: What do you think is the origin of sexual sins?
Guest: I’ve come to understand that sexual sin doesn’t start from the point of temptation as many believe. Sexual sin originates from a place of unbelief in the all-sufficient goodness of God. It begins when we don’t agree that God is all we need, that He alone can satisfy our souls. So we run off thinking that sexual pleasures have something superior to offer: long-lasting pleasure, satisfaction, intimacy with someone outside of marriage. And we end up sinning to the degree which we allow ourselves to believe. What we must realize is that the gratification sexual sin promises are lies that it can never keep.

The secret to overcoming sexual sin and every other sin is to believe that God is a good provider, and we have all we need in Him. Remember the famous statement King David made in Psalm 23 “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.” Another translation says “…I have all I need in Him.” We have to believe that if He made us for His pleasure, then He is the only One who can fully satisfy us. Every other appetite and desire must be secondary to the satisfaction we get from Him. When we seek and take pleasure in Him, we are guaranteed a lifetime of soul satisfaction. He is more than able to keep that promise unlike the temporary satisfaction of sexual sin which wears off soon after leaving us in a pool of guilt.
At this point, I’d like to encourage anyone struggling with sexual sin to trust that only God can supply the satisfaction you crave. You can read this blog titled “When Your Strength is Little,
God is cheering you on” on the Flust Website  to understand this some more.

New Man: To what extent can accountability help one to quit sexual sins?
Guest: We can never exaggerate the power of accountability in overcoming sexual addictions. Our Christian faith talks about the need for accountability. We read that “Two are better than one”, “Iron sharpens iron”, “Don’t forsake the coming together of one another”,’ God puts the solitary in families” etc.  Even military soldiers go to war in troops because they understand that there is strength in numbers. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 4:10 to pity the one who falls without another to lift him up, and this is why accountability is so vital on your journey to sexual purity. There’s someone to encourage and strengthen you on your journey and some you someone to pick you up even if you fall.

I must sound a note of caution here! The positive impact of accountability only shines through if you are accountable to the right person or people. An accountability partner shouldn’t be someone who will lead you back into sin or someone who will judge or shame you. Your accountability partner(s) should also be someone who has experienced and is still experiencing victory in this area. Accountability only works if the partner has a new life in Christ and is also genuinely walking the path of sexual purity with the help of the Holy Spirit.
New Man: Do you think digital skills and platforms have adverse effects on individuals?
Guest: Digital skills, as well as digital platforms, are in themselves, neutral agents. Meaning, they are neither good or bad; they simply take on the nature of the user. Technology as a whole has brought untold benefits to the human race and even to our Christian communities. More than ever before we have access to resources that facilitate our growth, and we can reach many more unreached souls for Christ. Today we all need some level of digital skills to remain relevant in society. On the flip side, however, digital platforms can have adverse health effects on those who are not moderate in their use. This can also be a slippery slope for those who are naive and go into the digital world without a filter to sift out harmful content. Unfiltered access to digital platforms can lead to destructive habits like watching pornography, gambling, credit card theft, etc.

New Man: How has it been in building a team for Flust and widening your reach?
Guest: Building a team has been fun and challenging at the same time. At the moment, Flust is a self-funded non-profit, so we only have volunteers, who are not on a fixed salary on our team. I’ve discovered that trying to convince people to buy into a vision with the same level of commitment and energy without any financial reward can be quite challenging. But so far, those who are still on board believe in the vision, and when people who believe strongly in a cause come together, nothing can stop them! I know we are on the right track, and we will see continued advancement in our reach.
New Man: What is your advice to fellow young individuals?
Guest: Let your entire life be a journey towards knowing God and worshipping him. Jesus said that God is seeking for those who will worship him in spirit and truth John 4:23, this is Gods longing! Wow. I sincerely hope that when He looks on the earth, we will fit the criteria of those who satisfy His desire. And you must know that worship is more than a song. True worship is living our lives as offered sacrifices to God in response to His great love for us.
New Man: What new heights do you hope to scale in the near future?
Guest: I really can’t say what new heights I hope to scale. My life is an adventure with God. I simply go where He leads. And at the end of each day, I want my testimony to be that, I maximized all He committed into my hands.

New Man: Thank you very much for your time, sir.
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