A Series of Lessons from Bible Characters

The essence of lessons is to ensure that positive lifestyles are maintained and negative outcomes are permanently stopped. The eventual trend of things determine whether or not they can be copied. For example, if you see someone try to jump over a pit but falls into it, then another tries to jump again and yet falls into it, you would learn to cross that pit in a proper manner so that you won't fall into it. In the same way, these lessons from Bible characters is a series intended to alert the consciousness of believers today, to the character and lifestyle of these men of old. 

We are in a season of lessons. Anyone who studies and takes the lessons and applies them promptly to life will prevail. On the contrary, anyone who doesn't take heed to these lessons will become a lesson to others. As we write, edit and update the articles in this series, it is hoped that each reader will pick up positive lifestyles, dump negativity and approach life with every purpose to excel, thus bringing glory to God's kingdom.

Lessons from Bible Characters - A Series

Below is a content map and guide to the lessons from different Bible Characters. Arranged in alphabetical order, readers would have practically no issues with finding their desired Bible characters. You can take these Bible lessons in a study, treating one story daily or following any preferred schedule as inspired by the Holy Spirit.




The study of the lives



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