Today we will be taking a drive through this topic.

What is thanksgiving?

This means to be grateful, an expression of gratitude, it is gratitude to God for all he has done and all he will do.

A grateful heart is a thankful heart. When we appreciate God for what he has done for us, he will do more than our expectations.

Only a grateful heart receives. 

No matter the situation, always be thankful and grateful (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Don't worry or panic for things you don't have, be grateful for all you have now.

God requires us to be thankful and grateful into Him.

Let's be always thankful and grateful to God. Many people wish to have the type of life you have, some are less privileged, some wish they can praise and thank God like you, but they don't have the privilege.

Learn to spend quality time praising and worshipping God from the depth of your heart. 

Remain blessed.

A grateful heart is a thankful heart.

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