2024 is a Troublesome Year - Professor Daniel Olukoya

The General Overseer of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, Professor Daniel Kolawole Olukoya has declared the year 2024 a troublesome year

Full Biography of Dr. Daniel Kolawole Olukoya

According to the clergyman, the year 2024 is a Year That has so much to Rejoice About and so much to worry about. Further describing it as an hydra headed Year, he assured Nigerians and the global Christian family that it’s not beyond Spiritual Control.

What We saw in 2023 will extend to 2024 and we must take a strategic Spiritual Stand.

2024 is a year you must not stop fighting because when you stop, you will begin to loose,If you reduce the tempo of your Prayers, you will start to lose so reduce your weakness and strengthen Your strength

It’s a year you must get your Spiritual Life On serious Fire,Pray , Command, Decree and a prophesy and give no Place to the Devil,Do what is called Over Kill.

In the year 2024, he advised members to disengage themselves from any trial and error endeavour, find Your Purpose,God’s Calling For life and face it squarely.

Ritualism, Bloodshed,Chaos , Economic Troubles will still manifest.

Professor Olukoya also noted that there will be an increased and high level of tension, as well as a rise in the cases of mental health. As a result, he maintained that it is dangerous to practice lukewarm Christianity this year.

The General Overseer urged the members to pray against the increased demonization of the minds of youths especially so that they can do away with their desires to follow the get rich syndrome way without Working diligently for money.

Many Ungodly Kings Shall receive Slap Of Angels. It’s a Year Of Open Door, Key into 1st Peter 2: 9- 10

This Year, Husbands Should be the Priest in their Homes ( Jeremiah 10 vs 25) Don’t be the kind Of Husband who says do your own and he is not interested in leading Prayers At Home. Reiterating this, he stated that the anger of God will be Poured On Families that don’t Call On God.

21 Fortification Keys/Strategies FOR SURVIVAL AND BREAKTHROUGH

  1. We must increase our Fasting and Prayer temperature
  2. We must live a Life of Holiness Within & Without
  3. We Must Possess The Spirit Of I will not Agree,if the enemy Blow You One, You will give him Seven.
  4. We Must be addicted To The Word Of God, Study The Bible Always.
  5. We Must take Evangelism More Seriously
  6. We Must Emulate Our Lord Jesus Christ by engaging in regular retreat (Luke 5:16)
  7. We Must Understand How God Speaks to Us
  8. We must be Watchful Spiritually
  9. Make A Decision To Speak The Truth Always
  10. Develop a Healthy and Spiritual Family Life
  11. Do not joke with MFM Anti-infermity missile Prayers During Manna water Programme
  12. Develop Your Spiritual Gift
  13. Seeing Visions, Praying For Signs And Wonders and doing the Miraculous is not for Pastors alone, so you çan develope Yourself
  14. Be Heavenly Conscious
  15. Refuse to be discouraged, Encourage Yourself Like David
  16. Serve God With All Your Heart this year.
  17. Strive For Excellence In Whatever You do
  18. Set Goals for Your self this year
  19. Do not Compare Yourself to Anybody
  20. Be a Pleaser of God and not a pleaser of People
  21. Never speak negatively about yourself, so that you don’t end up waging war against yourself.

However, quoting the book of Revelations 3:7-8 for the MFM Family, Professor Olukoya declared that the year 2024 is a year of Open Doors and Divine Speed.

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