Author Profile - Paul Ejime Mormah

Paul Ejime Mormah is a native of Agbor, Delta State, Nigeria, and the seventh child in a family of eight. Being a twin, he prides in his close bond with his sibling.

My parents are active members of St. John Catholic Church, while my siblings and I attend Revival Impact Ministry, which has been instrumental in shaping the foundation of my faith.

After graduating from secondary school, I moved to Lagos in July 2019 to further my education and skills. Currently, I'm pursuing a degree in Information Technology at the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), driven by my passion for technology and innovation.

In addition to my studies, I'm a passionate writer and consider it a hobby rather than formal training. Writing has been a significant part of my life, reflecting my strong passion for learning and self-expression.

Apart from writing, I've honed various skills through training programs in drawing and audio engineering. These diverse interests reflect my commitment to personal and professional growth.

Central to my life is my deep-rooted faith and love for God's word. My spiritual journey, enriched by active involvement in church activities, underscores my dedication to living out Christian values.

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