Olorun Epistle: My Epistle Unit Journey

If you get to read

The Unveiling

I was appointed into the office of State Drama

Baby Steps

I had attended only one meeting of Epistle Unit at the time of the unveiling. In fact,

MDDD Family

Upon the unveiling, 

Olorun Epistle

This was a very defining moment in my 

Bonding Memories

In Epistle Unit, I met


For every man or woman who was born, there’s a basic assignment to recreate after your own kind. The concept of childbirth was an instruction from God to mankind where He instructed man to be fruitful and multiply. In the Nigerian Christian Corpers’ Fellowship, this concept similarly applies to official roles. Upon the end of a tenure, the outgoing executive births a successor to whom he hands over the affairs of the office. This is one tradition that keeps NCCF alive.

Bowing Out

Leaving Ebonyi


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